Presenter Information

Please contact Terry Toro for more information about presentation information.

Tips for Increasing Visibility for Your Presentation

  • Update your email signature to include a message such as “Multicultural Retail 360 Summit takes place August 12-14 in Anaheim,”
  • Provide information about the event and your presentation in your organization’s newsletters and other communications.
  • Place the show banner or logo on your organization’s website and/or as part of your email signature. Download the show banners here.
  • Include the Summit in your company calendar on your website.
  • Add information about the Summit to your company intranet calendar.
  • Use social media such as Facebook and LinkedIn to publicize your plans to present.
  • Develop and distribute a company press release.
  • Invite your colleagues and customers to visit you at the meeting. There’s plenty of time to register.