Binge TV Viewing Habits of Hispanic Consumers

ThinkNow Research has conducted a nationwide survey to learn more about the TV binge viewing habits of U.S. Hispanics. What it found is that binge viewing is the new “norm,” particularly among younger Hispanic adults. The study was prompted by the prolific 2014 content generation for major streaming services like Amazon and Netflix.

Hispanics are more likely to binge view compared to non-Hispanics. Most Latinos said they watched an entire season of a TV show over one weekend compared to about half of non-Hispanics (60 percent vs. 49 percent). This behavior is much more prevalent among Latinos ages 18-34 (68 percent).

When watching TV, many Hispanics want a “sense of community.” When asked, “When you watch three or more episodes of a TV show back-to-back, are you usually watching TV by yourself or with someone else?” Forty-five percent said they do not binge alone.

When queried about how they watch TV, fewer than 40 percent of those ages 18-34 said they view live TV (the anti-binge viewing method). They were far more likely to watch programming via Netflix, Youtube, Hulu and similar formats compared to 35-65 year olds.